Included here is some information to help you build your own custom leather book covers and business. This page will grow with more information as spare time allows its creation.
Tutorials (those with active links are completed or in draft stage):
- Finding Fur, Trapping and using Hair-on-hide: Finding Fur
- Letterpress Type and the use to Emboss/Impress Leather Projects: Typography on Leather
- Letterpress Type on Bookmarks: A brief Tutorial about Letterpress Type and the use to Make Bookmarks
- Paperback Book Reinforcement: How to make those A.A. paperback books from falling apart. Step-by-Step instructions.
- Leather Selection and Storage: Types of leather, Where to Buy, Storage, Inventory Suggestions
- Business Considerations: LLC, Licenses, Taxes, Spread sheets and Website Commerce
- Leather Shoe Heel Lifts: Making shoe lifts from scrap veg tanned leather